First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent

Each year, we begin our Advent season with a strong reminder: we are preparing ourselves for the return of Jesus who has already come among us, sharing our humanity. Speaking of preparation, once again folks at Holy Spirit amazed me with their presence and joyful...
33 Sunday in the Ordinary Time

33 Sunday in the Ordinary Time

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I pray your week is full of great memories with family and friends. As we celebrate “Thanksgiving Day,” let us remember that it is not a day’s affair, to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every November. Actually, for a believer –...
32nd Sunday in the Ordinary Time

32nd Sunday in the Ordinary Time

Happy Veterans Day! God bless all of the brave men and women who have defended our country throughout history. We are grateful for the sacrifices they have made to keep us safe. “As we reflect in prayer this Veteran’s Day, let us honor and remember all those who serve...
32nd Sunday in the Ordinary Time

31st Sunday in the Ordinary Time

“Which is the first of all of the commandments?” When we get right down to it, what is the most important dimension of our faith? Upon what foundation does the edifice of Christianity rest? Jesus’ answer is unambiguous: love. This love has three facets. Love of God....
32nd Sunday in the Ordinary Time

World Mission Sunday

Welcome to World Mission Sunday! ONE SUNDAY TO HELP THE WHOLE WORLD EVERY YEAR, SOMETHING SPECIAL HAPPENS on the next-to-last Sunday of October. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY joins all Catholics of the world – all of us children of God – into one community of faith. At Mass,...