Welcome to World Mission Sunday!

HAPPENS on the next-to-last Sunday of October. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY joins all Catholics of the
world – all of us children of God – into one community of faith. At Mass, we recommit ourselves to our
common vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries, through prayer, participation in the Eucharist, and by
giving generously to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. It was established by Pope
Pius XI in 1926 as a day of prayer for missions.

This year, Pope Francis addresses his World Mission Sunday message to us as we live out the adventure of
being children of God. What a wonderful way to imagine the mission we have received from the Lord! It is a
revitalizing adventure. When all the children of God, at every stage of life, reflect on the fact that our lives are
a mission, our faith remains ever young.

As we pray and respond on World Mission Sunday here at home, we share in those celebrations taking place in every parish, seminary, school and convent all over the world. Together with children of God in every corner of the globe, we become voices for mission, providing the prayerful and financial support necessary to bring the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most
vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our
unity as children of God, His missionaries! And it provides an opportunity to support the life- giving presence of the Church
among the poor and marginalized in more than 1,111 mission dioceses.

I request you to reflect on our Mission here at Holy Spirit: The Church of the Holy Spirit is a welcoming, multi -cultural and multi-generational Roman Catholic faith community, rooted in Scripture and Tradition, nourished by the Sacraments, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be light to our world by: Praying and celebrating as a Eucharistic Community, Instructing children and adults in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Serving the less fortunate with unconditional love & generosity and Protecting human life in all its stages.

I know it is too lengthy and let me share with you of my understanding of it to help you understand it better: We have received Jesus the Christ in his body and blood. We become the arms and hands and heart and
soul of Jesus! We have love for the world. Our mission is to be love for the world.

We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly, we are called to serve one
another, And to walk humbly with our God! (Michael 6:8)

Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily. (Saint Francis de Sales)