Dear Holy Spirit Family,

On behalf of our Parish Finance Council, I am pleased to present our Parish Mid-Year Financial Report. We are blessed that our parish has many activities throughout the year. I sincerely appreciate your generous support of all our ministries. I would like to thank you for your loyal and generous support of our parish. I also thank our Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Stewardship Council and the Parish Staff and the many other groups and individuals who support the parish in various different ways.

I look forward to the coming months, committed (with all of our staff) to continuing to be the most prudent stewards we can be of the generous resources you share with our parish. The members of the Parish Finance Council, Parish Staff, and I, welcome any and all questions or comments that you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us through the parish office at 904-641-7244.

Yours in Christ and Mary,

Fr. Amar Nagothu, MSFS