Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

God is good! All the time! Imagine being in the very places where Jesus himself lived, taught, died, and rose from the dead. Wouldn’t it be like returning home? The Holy Land is sometimes called the Fifth Gospel because it helps the other four Gospels come to life in a new way. In fact, after visiting the Holy Land, you will never read or hear the bible passages in the same way. The Bible will come alive for you. Places in the Bible will not be just names on the page – they will become real, indelibly impressed into your inner heart.

I cordially and enthusiastically encourage you to join us on this “Journey of a Lifetime”. I have never been to the Holy Land, so just pondering the possibility of sharing this experience with you! Pilgrimages create a unique opportunity not only to grow in faith but also to deepen friendships in Christ.

Being with Jesus and walking in his very footsteps is a privilege beyond description. I am looking forward to deepening my love of the place where God chose to become one of us. Wouldn’t it be awesome to share this experience together?

We will be partnering on this journey of faith with our brothers and sisters from other parishes of our Diocese. This is a great sign of our unity as a diocesan family as we celebrate 150th Anniversary of our Diocese! Isn’t it in line with celebrating the jubilee year theme: “So That They All May Be One?” (John 17:21). I will be the spiritual director for the pilgrimage.

For more information, or to reserve your space, please contact: Laurie Plotz • Tel 904-707-8416