Dear Parishioners:

At Holy Spirit, our goal is to be the light of the world (Mt 5:14). This summarizes our vision and our mission. As a parish community, we’re responsible to minister in the areas of Welcome, Witness, Worship, Walking in the Spirit, and Works of Christ. To help us in fulfilling our responsibility, we have established a new Pastoral Council, which working alongside the Finance and Stewardship Councils, will ensure Holy Spirit is ever more faithful to what God is calling us to be.

The new Pastoral Council will consist of a select group of 7 members from different areas of our parish, who in union with the Pastor have the responsibility to pray, foster the mission and ministry of the parish, keep the Pastor informed of parish progress and concerns, make recommendations, evaluate parish needs, and make decisions that will benefit our parish. These Pastoral Council members will serve a two-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms if requested by the Pastor. This will ensure we have enough rotation for the greater benefit of the parish. The Council will meet six times per year and the minutes of the meetings will be published as a bulletin insert, so you are aware of what is being discussed and all progress made. In addition, we will hold a parish “town meeting” at least once per year, where you will have an opportunity to express your thoughts or concerns to the Pastor and the Council.

Our hope and prayer is that with the implementation of this new Pastoral Council, we will thrive as a community of faith deeply rooted in Scripture and Tradition, nourished by the Sacraments and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the light to our world!

With the recommendations from the present Parish Pastoral Council and after sincere prayer and reflection I have chosen the following to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council. Please join me in congratulating Jane Collins, Joey Cronologia, Terry Johnson, Kelli Moneyhan, Vince Niesen, Marlene Olavarria, and Gwen Scott.

For more information about Parish Pastoral Council and how it functions, duties and rights please visit our website.

I take this opportunity to sincerely appreciate the members for accepting to serve the parish in this capacity. My sincere thanks to the out-going council for their many years of dedication and sincere service to the Holy Spirit Family. And you my parishioners, I look forward to your support and encouragement and your valuable suggestions to the Pastoral Council and me that together we can grow to be more welcoming community. Let the light of the Risen Lord shine in and through us!!!