The Birth of Our Lord

The Birth of Our Lord

THE BIRTH OF JESUS is now imminent. In a day’s time we will be celebrating the memory of that great event. We have been waiting: waiting for Christmas, some have been waiting for family to come home for the holidays, some for gifts, some cards: may be from special...
Gaudete Sunday

Gaudete Sunday

“Rejoice in the Lord always!” We hear this today from St. Paul.  The prophet Zechariah told us: “The Lord is in your midst.” Our God comes to renew us in his love and he is rejoicing over us with gladness. My friends, imagine, our God loves us so much that he rejoices...
Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

We light the Second Candle of the Advent Wreath, yes, we enter in to the second week of Advent. This weekend we hear John the Baptist crying out his Advent message in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight his paths.” He is proclaiming repentance for...