Sixth Sunday of Easter: Memorial Day

Sixth Sunday of Easter: Memorial Day

The last week of May has a set of Celebrations.  On Monday 27th we commemorate Memorial Day. The day which we all remember for soldiers who died for our nation while serving the armed forces. Happy Memorial Day. To all who serve in the Military, Thank you! May the...
Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday

This weekend as we celebrate Mother’s Day, we also celebrate the Good Shepherd Sunday. Imagine being so secure that nothing has the ability to upset us – not natural disaster, disease, crisis, suffering, not even death itself. That may seem too good to be true,...

Palm Sunday:

Today, we enter in to the most Holy Week of the liturgical year. On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves...